Nnnnn Nerves nerves nerves
We are Tangent
My team leader returned a particular student’s exam paper to me and told me that despite the answer being relatively eloquent and logical that I had over marked it and I was required to reduce. Although my instinct was to argue the case, I ceded to my superior and...
Mark Zuckerberg, over 2U!
More and more frequently I am finding myself falling into the Facebook trap of liking (their word not mine) links to the support of people with disabilities and I sometimes even get channelled over to signing online petitions. I don’t normally like ‘liking’ and...
Travel Coach Weekend Thought WANTED: Time to Create
Dear Travel Coach Q. The good news is that my classic-car rental business, that I began during the recession, has done well. The difficulty is that as it has grown, I spend more time being the administrator and less time coming up with new ideas. Also, I get loads of...
What Now
Travel agencies will not vanish completely. They will however become more specific in whom the serve and in what they offer. Your senior colleagues should focus on their individual skills and strengthen them
Travel Coach Weekend Thought: Be visible not invisible
Dear Travel Coach, I sell loads of holidays in our travel store and am a loyal worker but I don’t get any recognition. How do I improve my profile? Penny – Blackpool Dear Penny, Get physical. An easy way of becoming noticed is to be aware of your body language and to...
Travel Coach Weekend Thought: Staying true while all around you changes
By keeping true to your word you will maintain respect. If for example you want your sales team to promote rentals of electric vehicles, drive around in a one yourself.
Travel Coach Weekend Thought: Meeting in the Middle
Stay neutral. When people share their feelings with you try to maintain a ‘clean’ position. Clearly, you have feelings too but by showing you have no axe to grind and that you’re not being defensive they can unload more easily.
Travel Coach Weekend Thought: The Brand Me
Let’s now examine Social Networking. The facilities offered by Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Word Press, About.Me and whatever else will appear in 2017 are amazing ways of adding to your self-portrait.