Based in North London, I’m interested in art and design. I collect gentlemens’ silk scarves. There’s a rumour (spread by me) that I’m actually Scarfman and although the idea is fanciful, I shall not confirm nor deny it. I’m more a football dreader than a fan because I only enjoy watching games that are meaningless. Watching my own teams brings on anxiety and dread.


I have taught and lecturered on Leadership and Management and Tourism.

One of my main interests is academic assessment for which I recently completed a Masters Level certificate at the University of Cambridge.

Marking coursework and exams might not immediately strike you as motivating subjects, yet I find them inspiring. Assessment teaches us so much about how people learn and when we improve the ways we teach and assess them, they progress.


I was deeply involved in the travel business for over 30 years and know two things. The first is that travel is fascinating and mind-broadening. The second is that the only thing I miss about it are the free trips. I write about travel because it is always intriguing. By taking a traveller’s point of view, we can see things objectively.


As an experienced workplace coach, I specialise in one to one coaching and mentoring. My aim is to help people improve performance through a better understanding of themselves and their co-workers.

I deliver seminars and training workshops on communication skills, leadership and team development. My current occupation is as a UK Civil Servant.