Now England has qualified for Brazil 2014, common wisdom suggests we need to build a greater sense of cohesion. Should we bring people’s differences out into the open or conversely do we focus on the things we have in common? These last few weeks have seen some...
“Allow me to beat myself up -it’ll save you the trouble”. 8th October 2013
It seems that the ongoing arguments about whether Spurs fans can/should call themselves the ‘Y ‘word will continue unresolved for the time being. My intention here is to keep as objective as possible and add some new thoughts. For a well written and brief outline, I...
Old Romantic coaching 2nd October 2013
In September 1976 I left Britain for the start of my gap year. The plan was to spend a few months working in an hotel in Zurich, do some globe trotting and return to the UK the following autumn to begin a degree in economics and business. The experience was somewhat...
Window Shut, Bullying Over 2nd Sep 2013
It seems that the football transfer window, which shut twenty three hours ago is just an excuse for the bullies to flex their muscle. It’s a time when terms like ’Selling Club’ are applied to perceived weaklings and ‘Buying Club’ applied to the bullies ‘I like your...
False Starts?
The 2013-2014 Season in the English Premiership is all but nine days old and the other Euro leagues somewhat younger. The oddest thing is that very few of the participants actually know who their teams even are. This is all because the so-called ‘transfer window’ is...