Her unprovoked reaction was something like ’Silence? In a library? You’re joking. This place is full of background sounds which are amplified by the voices of complaining people who want quiet.’
Travel Coach Weekend thought: Network-Notwork
On the back of this ‘mutual support’ idea, some entrepreneurs have formed ‘open to new members’ networking groups. They have a tendency to posture as ‘professional’ associations but are businesses and profit is central to their aims
The Travel Coach Weekend Thought: Workplace bullying hurts us all.
Do they touch you or make frequent comments about their own or your sexual activities?
Travel Coach Weekend thought; How to begin coaching at work
Dear Travel Coach I am responsible for a group of thirty shops. I was having a drink with one of the managers and she said that my style was wrong and that I should be more like a coach and less like a boot. What does she mean? TC, Walsall Dear TC This is a lengthy...
Love, lost past and loneliness.
My primal reaction was disgust towards the ‘nappers with subsequent thoughts that their lives are actually worth less than the monkeys’ and the planet would be better off with fewer useless hunting humans and more cuddly animals
Travel Coach Weekend thought; How to handle a client
joining a networking group? If so, take time to pick the right one. My first tip is to find one with a florist, gift seller or stationer as they are the people the sell the lowest ticket products. These groups feed off the guilt felt by people that don’t have a referral and because they are so desperate to be seen to be referring, they will always come up with a low-value lead.
Cutting off the Sharp tongue (how to handle rude customers)
pick the bull up by the horns (or cow in this case) and ask her why she takes this tone with you. She might actually not see herself as being rude and once she knows how she behaves, ought to respond positively.
Blue January, Au Revoir
Travel Coach 25 January 2017 (reprised and updated from my article in Travel Bulletin Sept 2007) Dear Travel Coach My sales are down and friends say that my January Blues are sure to further jinx my sales potential. How can I calm down and regain control? S –...
We are a company of travel experts – If we don’t know about good time keeping – nobody does.