Three months ago I made my debut as a walking footballer. Gis and I (we are both 58, he needs reminding, I never do), arrived at The Hive at 6.55 pm on a typically cold February evening and along with a ‘real football’ coach and four or so other people we warmed up...
Lessons from Leicester
This week the biggest English football competition was won by Leicester City. This was highly unexpected…
Cowboy (Customer) Service
My first memorable experience in customer services was when, as an 18 year old, I started a new job in Zurich as a hotel receptionist. On my first morning a client swept into the lobby, threw his bags towards the porter and marched towards me. He stood to attention at...
Knowing Me, Knowing How To Help You (excerpt).
After just a five minute discussion with Kris, it was clear that his assertion he didn’t know whether he needed coaching, mentoring or being left alone (with his deep confusing thoughts – his words) was correct. ‘Trust your instinct’ I told him, ‘once we find...
Self Health Help (Looking after No.1)
For the last nineteen months, my daughter who has both Asperger’s Syndrome and Epilepsy has been studying at a top English University. Her journey into Higher Education, as someone with invisible disabilities, was hard. It was an obstacle course of bullying (by...
Letter to Ms A Bowie
You are in a rare situation, the child of a respected man whom so many others of us think we share. But we do not have a share, he is all yours.
Broad Mind:Narrow Vision
Three end of year thoughts (loosely held together by a tightrope walk) December is odd. The London world whips itself into a frenetic state during the Christmas build up, falls into a lull on December 26th and then limps and sways before trying to launch itself anew...
In parallel with infinity
My name is Renato and I'm a comparer. Photo; One of the pleasures in writing is that it allows the writer to highlight commonalities between places, things, ideas and people...
Justice Just is not.
I have a confession to make. I am making it because although I don’t feel good about exposing a weakness in my character, I am convinced it uncovers the reason for a lot of retrograde social attitudes. Like King Lear, I am the father of three daughters and my...