I was talking with a nervous client who was minded to cancel her trip. If you work in the travel business you'll know that cancellations are not good. They equate to lost earnings, angry suppliers and the client's exponentially growing disappointment as invariably...
Breathe in…(hold it) and out…
September is the Janus month. Forget January, it's cold, easily forgotten and is too dismal to really stimulate any deep thoughts (purely an opinion you understand...) http://www.robwalkerpoet.com/?p=941 For those who have had a summer break; the young and the...
Souvenirs Remembered – My List (From Toblerone to Jenga)
A popular way of supporting and jogging memory is to write things down in lists. Shopping lists, To-Do lists, Guest Lists and Checklists are among the first to come to mind. A list is a thing of simple functionality, it is succinct and clear. The list’s downside...
Why I Need Lists
Why I Need Lists.
Souvenirs Remembered Part 1
I watched a child gathering shells, ignoring the low level ripple waves lapping her tiny feet and ankles. She kept the complete ones, discarded the cracked ones and then replaced some of the complete ones with better specimens. A small child’s search for the perfect...
The changing nature of shade
A fragment of the paradox of travel. The words below are a distillation of a conversation I had with a relucant holiday maker. It was clear to me that her motives for holidaying were confused and as she talked of The Sun, she meant compromise, losing out on choice and...
The Paradox of Travel
In the next few blogs I am re-presenting my thoughts on the logistic contradictions and emotional upheavals stimulated by travel. These ideas were part of a 'Psychology of Travel' seminar series I gave to various business people, organisational developers and...
The changing shape of the promised land.
I wasn’t going to write about football again. I was going to move on, widen my audience and write about Health & Safety. But then the last week happened and I’m obliged to peep again over the lip of the soccer worms' tin and give those squirmers another airing....
Two horse tales
For some years I’ve been intrigued with two unrelated stories and yet it only dawned on me recently that other than in my head, they do actually have some connections to each other. The stories are Franz Kafka's My Destination and W Somerset Maugham's Appointment in...