the treasure finder’s feeling of triumph of discovery. Somewhat like the detectorist that pulls up a Roman coin, much of the pleasure lies in the secrecy of the find. There’s the feeling of picking up a personal message from the past. Like looking up at a blinking star and knowing that its explosion came and went many thousands of years ago and, as the viewer, I’m experiencing a message from a private history.
Peace of Mindfulness Part 1
The good news is that because I kind of knew this would occur my regret is dampened and my anxiety is with the aid of a few legal chemicals, maintained at a low level.
Snakes & Ladders in the medical sense
She told me ‘we’re a surgery, medical tests is what we do’. This was not delivered in a rude or sarcastic way but I felt like all the doctor was doing was sending me for tests rather than coming up with a fix.
“Take my good side”
Many of us have written diaries. It’s not a new thing and if the plethora of available January-December diary/notebooks is anything to go by, is something that still has a market. Entries in your daily diary are very different from what you might put on a Facebook timeline because they are not private.
‘Ouvre le chien’: Bowie / Blackstar, Mercury and Crimson Moon (part 3 of 3)
He had depth that went beyond the visuals and the melodies. The music was varied and the lyrics seemed deep and meaningful. The PR machine was straight into action in letting us know he borrowed writing techniques from the likes of William Burroughs and this soon added to Bowie’s mystique and credentials as an artist and not a ‘mere’ pop star.
Six Nil: Under control and not so bad.
Women were a deep mystery to me as I grew up. I either avoided them or over-killed (myself) with them.
Walk This Way. Life lessons from Walking Football
Arriving at Barnet’s Hive to play Walking Football (WF), I felt that same trepidation and excitement as when I first played. I hadn’t kicked a ball in eight years and I later learned that others hadn’t done so in decades. As I looked around at this sample of...
Bitter? Nah
I spent a morning in a conference room listening to these speakers; Two tax experts whose joint message, to my ears, was ’you’ve blown it now. Your pension is misguided and small and you’ll spend your few remaining years in poverty. But, if you know anyone younger...
Elemental Child, the legacy of an Electric Warrior.
I had to commute 2 hours each way each day by bus and many of my in-transit minutes were spent writing out my unfolding thoughts. I think now that it was during this soggy autumnal period that I was visited by the trait of sarcasm.