I prove the point by listing my current ailments, such as backache, creaking knees, and fears of a feeble memory.
Children of the Evolution
it was an opportunity to do Christmas shopping, take in some frightful West End musicals, and commit acts of heavy-duty socialising that would be filed under the predictable heading; ‘what happens in London, stays in London.
White Coat Syndrome (turn to God)
Before I read this official version I thought this syndrome was purely psychological. You know the scene, where the doctor lowers their half-moon reading specs further down their nose, looks you in the eye and gives the verdict. Heart-in-mouth, butterflies in the stomach and all that.
Fresh Faced Imbeciles Laughing at Me
I guffawed so loudly that he paused, looked towards me and acknowledged my laugh with ‘You see”! I was so proud to have been noticed and included in his banter.
The Cape of High Sensitivity
job is helping people find new careers and supporting them prepare for a new work role. It’s about managing change and shifting self-perception e.g. today I was persuading a former highly-paid investment banker that their present situation means they need to start again, perhaps as a bookkeeper or an administrator.
The World Cup Who Fell To Earth (is Joe Lycett a bully?)
If he was entirely fair in picking on David Beckham. His reasoning is that Beckham has benefited financially and image-wise as a gay icon, he even wore a dress once, and according to Lycett, ought to have condemned both FIFA and Qatar.
Not My World Cup
global darlings Brazil, conceded seven goals to the eventual victors Germany. Everything else has been wisely forgotten
Chaos Theory
‘A disparate mass of self-seeking failures from other industries who are more interested in shafting each other than anything else. They are no better than spivs that exploit war’.
For My Words Only
I am frequently scolded by family and work colleagues for not responding to messages. Although I know I should treat work chats more seriously, some are requests by managers,
2022 Facta non-Verba (Action not Words)
He was driven to build the perfect woman because the ones put on Earth by the gods were not good enough for him.
30 years without winged feet: remembering Freddie Mercury.
Freddie taught us was that if you want to prove yourself as a creative person, attention to detail and minutiae are very important.
Work in the balance
if something goes wrong e.g. key workers leave or you run out of money, there is no safety net. It’s the same thing as being a roofer or a tree surgeon. However good you are at the job, you are exposed and if you fall, it hurts.
The final (part 1)
I have always supported Italy in this kind of play-off but yet am not really sure why
Forty Years a Twelfth Spy
Pre-Birth Forty years ago this month, I began working in what is still my current job. Thirteen years into this job, I strained at the leash and trained to become a teacher. I did not, however, change my occupation. Similar diversions enticed me in 2001, 2005, 2007,...
Prince Harry and me; closer than you think.
The Prince, however, has, as far as my research has shown, given himself a really good chance of delivering on his promise.
One Hundred
My attention span and train-of-thought have definitely reduced during the pandemic, I believe the major reason for this is that I have had fewer one to one conversations with people outside my bubble
Get a Grip
the shock that hits first. Even as I was in mid-air and about to land, I knew I had stepped on ice and was upset that it was lurking within the mud and not on the path that was fast coming up to greet my shoulder
WFH, xG and introducing xEMx ©
despite having doubts about these metrics, I’m unashamedly jumping on the bandwagon and taking this opportunity to introduce my own workplace metric, Expected Emotional Exchange© or xEMx ©
Turn To The Write
I work for a government department in what we can broadly call recruitment and one of my key tasks is to help people find paid employment. When I first meet a client I try in the first instance, to ascertain what they’d like to do and then what they can do. Last...